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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Interview for a special series

It's been a crazy week!  Monday I had a lab appt at Tx Oncology and went to my surgeons office instead.  My surgeon, Dr. Walzel saw me anyway, but I never remembered that I had an appt at Tx Oncology.  I had to reschedule my appt at Tx Oncology for today. 

I went to the appointment and when the lab tech started drawing blood - it quit coming out!!  What the heck! Seriously, it just stopped!  He moved the needle around, slightly pulled it out and put it back in and the blood still wouldn't come out!  He had to stick me again and use a syringe to draw blood.  It was super slow...who knows what the heck was going on.   Then I found out that my favorite medical assistant is being transferred to Cedar Park Office!  BOOOOOOO!!  I am really gonna miss Anabel, she is awesome.  Good luck to her.  My labs were fine considering I just finished my 4th round of chemo.  Robin, the nurse practitioner suggested I get the flu shot next week.  They are giving them at work on the 5th.  YUK! I am really starting to hate needles!

I was interviewed by Crestina Chavez, News 8 Austin, today.  She is doing a series on Hispanic women with cancer and also on UT Hope, a volunteer group of students from UT that came to help me out last weekend.  They were a great group of students and very kind to give up their Saturday morning just to come help me out.  Words cannot express how grateful I am.  Anyway, the interview will air on October 14th and October 15th on Time Warner cable or you can watch it on www.news8austin.com.  I'm excited about it!

Devan might be coming home this weekend??? or we will be making a trip to A&M!  I miss my baby.  Good look on your tests this week honey!

Have a great rest of the week friends and family.  My next round of chemo will start on the October 7th.  This is for the Taxol.  They say it will be easier on me....I am hoping it is.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Devan's Birthday!!

Well, I finished my last of the A/C chemo treatment last Tuesday.  I start the weekly chemo on October 7th.  I have felt soooooooo tired and to top that off, I think I caught a cold or something that has not turned into a sinus infection!  I feel like crap!  Can't breath, can't sleep, not sure what to eat!  ARGH!!! Oh well, half way done with this mess, so I will keep on smiling!  Hope I feel better tomorrow, I have to go to work.  I have training at a different location for the next 3 days.  What a mess!

Cleaning for a Reason and UT Hope came to help me out at home.  Cleaning for a Reason volunteers come clean your house once a month for 4 months during chemo.  UT Hope is a group of students who volunteer their time to help Breast Cancer Resource Center cancer patients.  They were awesome!  It's heart warming to know they would want to volunteer their Saturday to helping other people like that.  Thank you! 

On a lighter note - Devan came home for the weekend.  We had a little birthday dinner for her on Friday.  I can't believe she is 20 yrs old now!!  I am super proud of her, she has grown up to be such a strong, beautiful, caring young woman.  That's my baby!!  We would have been so lost without her.  Matt really misses her when she isn't here, even if he will only admit it to me :D  We got her a big Birthday cookie from Great All American  Cookie.  YUM!!  Great time with family.

AND.....My nephew and his bandmates - Oh No! The Radio..won battle of the bands.  They are headed to the finals!! (no dates on that yet)  So proud of them.. they have worked their butts off!  Congrats guys!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wish us luck!

Had a good weekend.  Got to see Devan, even though it was only for a couple of days, it was great to spend time with her again.  Matt was really excited to see her too!  Imagine that!  He didn't want her to stay at school on Sunday.  LOL! 

I have been feeling good this last week.  I have my 4th round of Chemo next week. I can't wait to finish the last cycle of A/C.  Then I will wait for 3 weeks and start the 12 weeks of Taxol chemo, once a week.  That one is supposed to make me really tired, but I am not supposed to get as sick as I did with this.

I try not to question why I got cancer after Abel had it last year.  I know that God had a reason for this to happen to us again.  I don't know why yet, but I know there is a reason.  I know that I will be okay and we will get through this.  It will make us stronger as a family and we will appreciate each other and what we have even more.  But, some days, I GET SO FRUSTRATED WITH THIS CRAP!  I get tired of-- feeling tired, being bald, being bloated, feet swelling, getting phantom pains, getting weird hives, aching all over, joints hurting, stomach hurting.....................just crappy feeling.  But Lord, I am so thankful that it is me and not one of my children, or anyone's children.   When I start feeling sorry for myself, I think about the people who have terminal cancer or the kids that are having to go through chemo!  It breaks my heart.  So thank you God, thank you for letting it be me instead of someone else I care about. Thank for not letting it be someone else's child. 

Next week will be a long week - I have chemo on Tuesday, Devan's birthday is on Wednesday, Abel has his follow up appointments at MD Anderson next Wednesday and Thursday. Wish us luck!
